Friday, August 1, 2008

how i will beocome rich and famous, make friends, and save the world. not necessarily in the order. it is important to aim big.

** but also as you realized tonight rachel, rachel barge is going on the green energy route. smart girl. she doesn't say she wants to end world hunger.. maybe that is childish but it is a dream of mine. sure it is probably a dream of her's also, but is is working on a more tangible acheivement.

you need to have a concrete goal. what do you want to acheive? worldwide socialization of food? food is a human right has already been passed. the rhetoric of human rights is empty at the beginning of the 21st century. exporting, as a package, a system of a better way of agriculture.. (where is the profit in that? does it have to be a profit? or can the promise of a better life sustain those who are the worst off.

what would a better system of agriculture entail...
that would require debt relief.
not all of them are in debt.
microfinance- you can fund the debt, and turn them into small entrepenuers.

back to other ideas...... lawyer.

i mean they do say that its the distribution systems. why not fix the distribution systems.

what does that mean?
-people don't have enough money for food.
--- give out food
----- if the government is guaranteed to buy your food.. then (what incentive would you have to grow it well.. well what if farming was require. by inmates?

sure we could still have artisan/small farmers
i dont think any of my friends would be behind this idea...

is that a valid objection?


she is focusing on something that will help people

alternative energy
wind solar fusion algae hydrogen. all things that need subsidies and will probably get them.

will off shore drilling happen?

there is about to be terrible inflation in this country. the defecit is so high, obama is about to make it higher

concrete improvements in people's lives?
---------are the poorest being hurt by high oil prices?
---------what could the poor do if they had access to green technology
----------are the two, the question and the answer that i am thinking about, not related to each other. i mean of course they are but, what is your goal?
to support the green energy/technology industry or to help poor people?

International Energy
algae might be a risky venture...

there is no glory like rachel will have

Monday, July 21, 2008

This blog will be a personal recording device for my thoughts, actions, writings

I have carefully narrowed down the two things needed to save the world

they are, in a particular and carefully arranged order
1. Food
2. Education

Teach a man to fish and he will bring fish stocks to the brink of extinction, threathen ocean biodiversity, and risk destroying the precious and terribly fragile thing we call earth.

Teach men, women, children, people, communities, the world how to fish sustainably, conserve, eat a more plant based diet, and